Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 12

I grew up in a house where there was almost always a grocery shopping list on the fridge. If someone drank the last of the milk or ate the last slice of bread, they needed to put it on the list. This was our household inventory, and helped to ensure the basics were always around.

Our CSA veggies have started to pile up a bit, so I decided to make a list. This one is not a list of what we need to purchase, but a list of what we already have. It's pretty impressive, right?

When we went to pick up farm share #12 yesterday, we got more corn, tomatoes, garlic, green beans, onions, basil and our first blueberries. After running the vegetables home, we hopped in a Zip Car to head out of town to a family party. We just got back today, so we haven't made any additional progress on the veggies. Better add the new ones to the list!

Do you have any suggestions for way to eat up lots of vegetables or ways to preserve them for later?


Carolyn said...

I've been meaning to do a CSA for a while now but every year I let it pass me by. I MUST do one next year! I'm going to follow your blog to remind me.
We have a big chest freezer so if I had an abundance of veggies, I might do some pasta sauces and freeze jars of that. I did can 4 jars of homemade salsa this summer.

The Good Cook said...

The tomatoes and basil will make wonderful sauce - and you can freeze it. There is nothing better than home made pasta sauce from really fresh veggies in the middle of January. You can also put some shredded zucchini in the sauce, it just melts away and no one knows its there but you get the nutritional kick from it.

The corn can be frozen. Just blanch it, cut it away from the cob and freeze in ziplock bags. It takes up hardly any space in the freezer. Blueberries freeze beautifully too.

My freezer and cabinets are getting full as I am eating less, but still have copious amounts of produce. This winter we will be well stocked.

Debbie said...

When things are about to go bad in our house, meat and veggies mostly, we cook them and turn them into lunches or an easy leftovers dinner.

Anonymous said...

I melt spinach down in a saute pan if it's getting wilty and/or I have huge amounts that I won't able to eat fast enough. Most veggies I toss in olive oil and salt and pepper and roast on a cookie sheet 400 degrees for 30-45 minutes and that does the trick. It's hard to keep those delicious jewels lying around, they disappear fast.

Anonymous said...

Can't go wrong with blueberry muffins ( or simply blueberries with cream. I miss the CSA we had when we lived in the midwest... will have to live vicariously through yours. LOL

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