We have had a miserably hot summer here in NYC. But finally the heat has broken for few days, and we are thrilled to be out and about without melting. Today we headed out to enjoy City Streets. For this event, the city closes Lafayette/Park Avenue to car traffic from Brooklyn Bridge all the way up to 72nd Street. Pedestrians and bikers take over and it has a street fair atmosphere. There are free bike rentals, live entertainment, fitness classes and lots of bike and pedestrian advocacy groups. We managed to borrow bikes without waiting in line. We rode all the from Spring Street to 72nd Street (about 8 miles round trip) during our hour. The highlight for us is riding around Grand Central terminal. Good times!

After our bike ride, we refueled with some coffee and apricot pastry from Ceci Cela Patisserie. Their pastries are awesome. They sell them at their own store plus Dean and Deluca and the coffee shops in the area.
Happy Saturday! I hope you have nice weather in your area today too.
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