I came down with a horrible cold and cough accompanied by a fever the day before my birthday. Not only was I sick for five days and feeling miserable, but we had company for three days in the middle of it. Nothing like plodding around in my giant grey sweatpants and fleece with uncombed hair to get to know someone better. Being pregnant and sick is the worst combination.

Luckily, I recuperated in time for our babymoon to Baltimore. I wasn't up to full speed, but good enough to be able to walk around and enjoy some good food. I highly recommend Baltimore for a weekend getaway. Don't let The Wire scare you off. There are some lovely historic neighborhoods. We had fun taking the water taxi around the harbor, visiting the American Visionary Art Museum, visiting The Walters Art Museum and just walking around checking out the different neighborhoods. Of course we had to eat while we were there too. My husband has a friend from high school who lives in Baltimore, and he was kind enough to come up with a whole list of restaurants in a variety of neighborhoods for us to try. I'm allergic to shellfish, but my husband indulged in the requisite crab cakes (he actually thinks they are kind of boring, but the raw oysters were right up his alley). We sampled some delicious Afghan food in the Mount Vernon neighborhood at The Helmand, and some solid pub fare at Alexander's Tavern in Fells Point. It was a great getaway and only a 2.5 hour train ride from New York City.
We will be away this weekend for Easter, but then we will be settling in for the duration until the baby comes. Our new addition is due to arrive at the end of June. I'm looking forward to being home after a couple of weekends with guests and a couple of weekends away. We hope to be preparing lots of healthy treats, and maybe even putting some up for when the baby comes.
This post is part of Alphabe-thursdays.
I too am allergic to shellfish - I don't feel like I am missing out on anything though most of give me the willies! Sounds like you had a great time away!
Glad you enjoyed your babymoon....not much longer to go. Congrats!
Babymoon. I'd never heard of it, but I like the concept!
Glad you had fun and recuperated in time to enjoy it!!
Baltimore is a great city to explore. It sounds like you had a great time.
There is nothing worse than being pregnant and sick with the flu!
Glad your trip to Baltimore was successful!
I don't like to eat anything that comes from the water but I'd like to try Afghan food, could be interesting:-) Stop in & read A is for Animal
Hope you feel better soon...such a wonderful time in your lives!
Have a great ALPHABET week!
Sounds like a lovely trip!
smooth sailings.
Happy Sunday.
Glad you are feeling better and were able to enjoy your trip! :) I grew up about an hour outside of Baltimore and have great memories of the place!
I'm fascinated by the idea of Afghan food. I'm going to click on that link next!
I'm glad you were feeling well enough to have such a good time!
What a delicious idea and phrase!
Thanks for linking!
Kaddo Borwani ... oh my. This all sounds crazy delicious though.
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