
Sunday, January 23, 2011

News to Share

I haven't written a post in several months. I had the best of intentions, but I just couldn't do it. You see my husband and I learned right after we got back from our trip to England that we were going to have a baby. By the beginning of November, I had "morning sickness" around the clock and couldn't bring myself to smell food cooking, prepare food, read about food and definitely couldn't blog about any food.

I have to confess that I have been known previously to be judgmental of pregnant women I have seen eating x, y or z. I have thought to myself, "How can they feed that to their baby?" I told myself that I would eat only grass-fed meat, local vegetables and every other honorable, nourishing food for myself and the baby, but despite my best intentions I could only manage to keep ginger ale and saltine crackers down for weeks on end. I know this is the first of many expectations that will have to be adjusted. You know how people without children see children in public misbehaving and tell themselves that their children will never behave like that... I'm trying to start preparing myself now for the temper tantrums in the grocery store line.

We missed the boat on a winter CSA for both meat and vegetables, so upcoming posts will feature our efforts to eat nourishing seasonal meals that feature local foods. My energy is not up to pre-pregnancy levels yet, so I'm aiming to post two to three times per week.

1 comment:

Natalie @ Perry's Plate said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Congrats on the upcoming arrival :) Being pregnant and blogging it tricky... I did it in 2008. During my "sick" months (I was really lucky and didn't get REALLY sick) I posted a lot of compilations of things from my site (i.e. 5 things to do with [insert seasonal vegetable]). That helped to keep my blog updated while I struggled to find something that sounded good to eat.

I had to laugh at your comments about your opinions changing since you've been pregnant. I think a lot of women go through that - myself included. It's nice to know that among the glares of people in public who watch you wrestle with your crazy children, there are a lot of encouraging smiles from women who know exactly what you're going through. Best of luck to you!

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