
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eggs Glorious Eggs

I think the recall of a half a million eggs is a reminder to us all that we need to be eating better quality eggs. Get out there and support your local farmer or farmers' market and buy eggs from their pasture raised hens. They will be safer, tastier, and more nutritious. Here are two ideas for those farm fresh eggs:

A while back, we had burritos for breakfast. We peeled and chopped some kohlrabi and sauteed it with some onions. When they were softened and starting to brown, we added some eggs. Serve in tortillas with condiments of your choice. Prepared this way the kohlrabi has a texture similar to potatoes, but with a slightly sweet flavor. It pairs nicely with the onions and scrambled eggs. My favorite thing about that picture is that one burrito has salsa and one has ketchup. Can you tell which one belongs to the girl that grew up in AZ and which one belongs to the boy from upstate NY? It makes me chuckle each time I think about it.

This is not the best photo, but it documents our breakfast yesterday morning. I'm actually impressed that I managed to take a photo during the morning scramble before work. This was very simple, but delicious. My husband sauteed some spinach until it started to wilt and added some beaten eggs to the pan. We topped it with salsa we made the night before. (I learned that he will eat salsa on eggs if it is homemade.)

Eggs are a satisfying way to start the day.

This post is part of Simple Lives Thursday at GNOWFGLINS, Ulitmate Recipe Swap at Life as Mom, Tasty Traditions at Coupon Cooking, and Things I Love Thursday at Diaper Diaries.


Nikki said...

Thanks for sharing such great egg recipes. I'm always looking for new ways to prepare eggs. Please join me today for Tasty Traditions, a recipe meme. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Delicious burrito with eggs!

Kari @ Mommy's Fabulous Finds said...

Looks delicious! I am a new follower from the blog hop! Hope you can stop by and visit my blogs.

Have a great day!

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I have never understood ketchup on eggs! But breakfast burritos? MY FAVORITE breakfast these days!!

April J Harris said...

I am a huge fan of eggs - they are so nutritious and delicious. But as you say it is important to buy eggs from pasture raised hens! Your recipes sound delicious - and I love ketchup on eggs :-)

Inspired2cook said...

I love breakfast burritos! I like to take them for breakfast when we go camping.

Gina said...

Great recipes I love looking for local providers!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What great idea for using eggs. I love them and could eat them at least once a day. I love the recipes and food you feature here. I'll be back often. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

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