Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Beef and Cauliflower Soup

We have been trying to follow a Paleo/Primal diet for a while. It started when our first daughter and I had a stubborn case of thrush and a holistic nutritionist I met said that dietary changes were the only way we were going to kick it for good. We have fallen off the wagon several times, but we notice that we feel better when we cut back on grains and other starchy foods.

Well with a new baby at home, I was very focused on quick easy meals that our toddler would eat with us. We relied on pasta more than I'd like to admit, and the times that we did get the paleo style meals I hoped for, it was pretty boring. Everything was pan fried or steamed because I didn't want to turn the oven  on during the Phoenix summer, and not much seasoning. Just some type of meat or fish and two vegetables and repeat.

I happened on The 30 Day Guide to Paleo Cooking by Hayley Mason and Bill Staley at the library. We started cooking our way through it and really enjoyed it. It includes meal plans and shopping lists which I love (I've always been a sucker for those), and the food tastes great. My one complaint is that I don't like the mix of meals. We are talking about cooking our way through it again, but I think I will rewrite the meal plans and shopping lists so that you don't end up with a bunch of beef one week, lots of fish the next, or lots of greens followed by only white and yellow veggies, etc. I'll be sure to share my rewritten meal plans and shopping lists with you.

One of the recipes we recently tried was for Bison Stew. We had to use beef because our Meat Shop didn't have any bison stew meat. The results were delicious. I love the combination of beef broth and cauliflower. It tastes so rich and decadent. Yum!

Beef and Cauliflower Soup (based on The Food Lovers Kitchen)

2 lbs. beef stew meat
1 T coconut oil
1 onion, chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
6 cups of beef broth
3 sprigs of thyme
3 sprigs of rosemary
1 head of cauliflower, broken into small florets
fermented sauerkraut
salt and pepper to taste

Brown the meat in the coconut oil in a large Dutch oven. Remove the meat from the pan. Add the onion, celery and carrots and cook until the onions are translucent. Add the meat and broth to the pot.  Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to low. Simmer for 5-6 hours, adding the cauliflower for the last hour of cooking. Top with sauerkraut and serve.

This post is part of Alphabe-Thursday, Full Plate Thursday and Frugal Food Thursday.


Dominique Goh said...

That looks really yummy..we had brocolli soup last night.. but not with so many ingredients which you listed above in your recipe.

Anonymous said...

This sounds yummy. It is cold here and this wonderful would warm my bones.

Alica said...

I wouldn't have thought to put that combination together, but it sounds good! This time of year, I like to use my crockpot. I wonder how it would do in there, rather than simmering on the stove?

Anonymous said...

sounds yummy ~ great food for the season ~ great shot ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I have some bison in my freezer and this looks like the perfect way to use it!

Anonymous said...

Really like cauliflower, and now I have a chance to use the coconut oil, that I bought, but didn't know how to use it. Do you use it like olive oil to sear meat and sauté veggies?

City Share said...

Yes, you can use coconut as a substitute for any time you would use olive oil. Sometimes it has a strong coconut flavor, so you'll want to think how it will marry with the other flavors you are using.

Jeanne said...

Sounds like a good winter meal!

fredamans said...

Sounds hearty!

Miz Helen said...

I love the combination for your soup. Thanks so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday and enjoy your Thanksgiving week!
Come Back Soon
Miz Helen

Jenny said...

How neat that you got thrush under control with diet. There's so many things we can self fix if we're willing to give up all the processed food, but oh it can be hard!

This recipe sounds amazing.

It's a combination I wouldn't have put together, but it would be really fun to try!

Thanks for linking.

And Happy Thanksgiving!


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