
Friday, November 18, 2011

How time flies!

We had a beautiful baby girl at the end of June. The doctors suspicions were correct-she was a big baby weighing in at 9.5 pounds. Luckily, I was still able to have the natural birth I was hoping for. I believe that eating right, prenatal yoga, and lots of walking gave me the strength to tough it out (along with my husband's support of course).

We have settled into family life here in Brooklyn. We enjoyed the bounty of the season's CSA vegetables, fruit, eggs and meat. I have been cooking less, and my husband has been taking the lead in keeping this nursing mama well nourished. I am amazed at how so many of you can prepare beautiful feasts night after night with a houseful of children. The meals I have made have been quick and simple which has not provided much fodder for new blog posts. But I have missed writing and being part of the blogging community, so I am planning on getting back into it.

There is a big change on the horizon for us. We are saying farewell to NYC and heading to Boston for a new exciting job for my husband. Stay tuned to hear more about the upcoming move and our efforts to create healthful meals in the midst of the chaos.


Laura said...

CONGRATULATIONS! My boy Charlie is 7 months old now and I still haven't picked up my blog. Although I do write a regular column called "Partum Me?!" over at Blog? Yes. About food? No.

It's funny that you are moving to Boston because we are actually just starting to talk about a possible move to Western MA. Maybe some day we can meet in Worcester with our babies and talk about CSAs. :)

Glad to "see you," here, and to hear about your great news!

City Share said...

Congratulations to you too! We would love to meet up with you!

I have read Partum Me. It's a great read. Sorry I haven't left comments. I have been too lazy to create an account. (Shame on me) I will do it though...

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