Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Second Chance for Liver and Onions

Liver and onions is one of those dishes that many people remember as something their parents MADE them eat when they were children, but I think it has really gotten a bad rap. With proper preparation and an open mind, I think you will find that it is really tasty.

I don't remember my parents ever making liver and onions when I was a child which might help me accept it as a delicacy now. I don't associate it with sitting at the table by myself until I ate three more bites. For me, that special honor was saved for any yellow squash. I hated the mushy, stringy texture (I have learned to embrace squash as an adult). But I digress, I'm writing to convince you to try liver.

I have two important tips to share with you on preparing liver that will ensure it's success. First, soak it in milk for at least 30 minutes. Second, it cooks quickly so only cook it for 2-4 minutes per side (depending on thickness). Follow those two rules and it will not be bitter or resemble old shoe leather, but a succulent treat with a rich flavor. Please see the recipe below or check out this other post for another take on it.

The liver filters toxins out of our bodies, so it's really important that it comes from an animal that is properly raised. I would suggest that you only buy liver from a farmer you are certain only pasture raises their animals.

A large plate of liver on a bed of sauteed onions.

We served our liver and onions with some salad and quinoa.

Liver and Onions

1/4- 1 C milk
1 lb beef liver, cut into 1/4 inch thick slices
2 T coconut oil
2 T butter
2 onions, sliced
1/4 C flour
salt and pepper

Rinse the liver and place it in a shallow bowl. Add enough milk to cover it and let soak while preparing the rest of the dinner (at least 30 minutes). Heat a cast iron skillet and add 1 T of coconut oil and the onions. Cook until they are soft and add 1 T butter. Once the butter is melted, remove the onions to a plate.

Mix the flour and salt and pepper in a shallow bowl or plate. Remove a piece of liver from the milk and shake dry. Dredge the slices of liver in the flour mixture. Place the cast iron pan over medium heat, add the coconut oil, and add the slices of liver. Cook only 2-4 minutes per side (we like it still pink in the middle). Remove to a platter and serve.

This post is part of Real Food Wednesday at Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Works-for-me-Wednesday, Let's Do Brunch, Full Plate Thursdays, Pennywise Platter Thursdays, Alphabe-Thursdays, and...


Christy said...

I add liver cubes to tons of things.(ground up liver frozen in icecube trays) And I made and blogged once about cooking liver - but I honestly have never tried again. I love the simplicity of this! I will have to try again.

Di said...

As a child, I thought liver and onions was the best thing my mother ever made, and I would order it in restaurants where it was available. Then came the bad press about liver being so "bad " for you, and I stopped eating it. About 2 months ago my family began eating real food, and I made liver for the very first time to feed to my 18 yr old son. Not only did he and my husband LOVE liver and onions, but they nearly broke out in a fight to see who would claim the last bit of liver on the platter. Your way is exactly how my mother ( and myself) prepare this yummy food . Soaking in milk and quick frying is indeed the secret !

Let'sMakeADifference said...

Hi! I'm blog hopping and found your blog!! Am now following. Not sure I can eat liver, but you do make it look good!! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back. Have a great week!

Simply Life said...

i've never realized until now that I've never had liver!

Cynthia said...

Following from Welcome Wednesday. Please come follow me at I have a $25 Jo-Ann's gift card giveaway going on right now :)

Design It Chic said...

This really makes me give the liver another try. The milk soaking thing intrigues me and makes me want to try it out:) Thanks for sharing that! I am now following you thanks to Welcome Wednesday and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog:)
And don't forget to check our new Blog Tutorial to learn a few easy tricks to make your blog fabulous. See you there!
Happy Thursday!

mely said...

I love liver and onions. I think is the first time I see someone blogging about it. Thanks for sharing.

Dominique Goh said...

We don't really cook liver this way. I remember my granny cooking it with black pepper, sesame oil and stir fried..

Diane said...

Hmm..I don't think I can do it! lol!
Thanks for sharing though. Sounds like a lot of people like liver and onions.

Stopping by from Jenny Matlock's...Have a great day! :)

Jackie @ Crest Cottage said...

I tried making beef liver once but the flavor was just too strong. I am thinking about starting with chicken liver to get my husband and I used to it, and then trying beef again. What do you think?

Maggie said...

I haven't had liver & onions since I don't know when, which is a shame since we both enjoy them served with roast potatoes or parsnips.

Anonymous said...

You made it look so good, but I don't know if I could eat it.

Cheryl said...

I associated liver with sitting with my siblings around a very unhappy table. When I was in my early 20s, I tried calves liver and loved it. Then I grew a conscience. It was never about shoe leather, more about the grainy, mushy texture. We ate pasture-raised meat since we lived on a farm.

Susan Anderson said...

I'm afraid being forced to eat it as a child has ruined liver for me for life. Even with grilled onions!


PS. I don't even like the fancy hors d'oeuvres-type livers.

Miz Helen said...

Your Liver and Onions reminds me of my Dad, He just loved Liver and Onions. Your recipe looks very good. Thank you so much for bringing it to Full Plate Thursday and please come back!

Donnie said...

Hubby loves liver and onions but I no longer make it because of the small space we live in. You can not get the odor out of the house.

RedTedArt said...

I love liver and onions - but only in small doses and of course well cooked!

Thanks for the recipe!


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love it..

cool treat.

Varda said...

Unfortunately, the smell of liver and onions makes me nauseated. I caught a stomach flu right after eating it once and a child, and ever since... nope. (Here from Alphabe-Thursday, nice to meet you.)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Oh yum. I like liver and onions. The husband shudders at the thought of it because of a horrible child memory. I tell him I can make liver and onions so he thinks he's eating steak. He still shudders. Just as well. I haven't found a good source yet for liver.

Anonymous said...

hubby and i both love L&O
haven't had it for awhile
thanks for the post
now i'm putting it on next week's menu!
happy alphabe-thursday =)

Pondside said...

My husband likes liver, but only orders it in restaurants. After 38 years of marriage I don't cook it anymore. I've tried and I've tried, but can't bear the smell of it cooking.

Jenny said...

I loved liver and onions as a kid. I tried it in a few restaurants since and was always kind of grossed out.

I should try this but the smell and feel of it make me so queasy.

Thanks for a slightly squeamish link to Alphabe-Thursday this week.

I'll totally come to your house and try it for dinner, though!


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