
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 8

We passed by Saint Patrick Old Cathedral School this morning on our way to pick up our CSA share, and noticed that they had sign for a yard sale. We were intrigued! Both my husband and I love the treasure hunt aspect of yard sales and church rummage sales, and this had the added bonus of offering a peak inside the school building. We were drawn to the above poster, but not big fans of the silver frame and bit concerned about some mildew and foxing around the edges of the print. We decided to go get our veggies and think it over. On our way home, we purchased it and it is now hanging near our table. I'm looking forward to doing some research on the poster and learning more about it.

It's hard to believe that we are up to the eighth week of the farm share. I'll admit that I was a bit disappointed with the volume and variety this week. I was hoping that we would get some peppers and tomatoes, but I guess it is still too early. It seems like the volume has been down the last couple of weeks, and I'm wondering if the heat wave is adversely affecting some of the plants. All in all, I'm still very pleased with the Foodstockings CSA, I think it has been a good value, and everyone involved is very nice. This week we will be enjoying carrots, fennel, cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, collard greens, mustard greens and heads of garlic.

Yesterday I wrote about how I couldn't find the salmon orzo salad recipe, and then I found it in our big organization effort this afternoon. Ha, ha, ha. For now, the loose recipes are in a file folder waiting further organization.


The Good Cook said...

Tomatoes are coming fast and furious in my garden right now so perhaps next week you will have some in your CSA share. Thanks for posting the fennel - I am going out to pull some in my garden right now... I have been contemplating pulling it for a week or so and think now the time is right.

The heat HAS affected the garden. Add no significant rain and all the yields are down.

Anyway, happy eating this week!

City Share said...

Good to hear about the tomatoes. I have been seeing them in the farmers' markets too, so our time will come soon. We have had fennel for a couple of weeks, so it should be worth a try.

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