
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chicken with Mushrooms and Zucchini

We are going to be visiting New York City this weekend. It's our first visit since we moved. All of the plans just fell into place last night, so now we can let ourselves get excited. We have been having ongoing car problems with our 1985 diesel Mercedes (it seems to have air in the system and doesn't like to start). We didn't want to get stuck somewhere along the way, so we decided to rent a car. Now that we have transportation and a place to stay, it's time to start figuring out what and where we want to eat.

When you visit a former home town, where do you like to eat? Is there a place that just calls out to you that you must visit each time you are there?

Last night we enjoyed some chicken with mushroom and zucchini and a side of kale. The dish is very flexible-it would taste nice with some Italian seasonings and tomatoes, herbes de Provence would work well, but we went with some soy sauce, sesame oil and garlic.

Chicken with Mushroom and Zucchini serves 2
1 T butter
10 oz of mushrooms, sliced
2 medium zucchini, sliced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 T soy sauce
1 T sesame oil
1 chicken breast. sliced

Melt the butter over medium heat, and add the mushrooms. Cook until browned and remove from pan. Add the zucchini and cook until tender, and then set aside. Add the sesame oil and chicken and cook until browned on all sides. Add the garlic, zucchini and mushrooms back into the pan. Sprinkle with soy sauce and cook for a couple of minutes for the flavors to combine and to ensure the chicken is cooked through.

This post is part of Traditional Tuesdays, Tuesday Glam Party,  Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, and Hearth and Soul  Blog Hop


Anonymous said...

Have a great trip!!! I've never been to New York, but I'm anxious to visit. When I go "home" to visit - it's Cincinnati... so that means hometown favorites of Graetar's ice cream, Skyline Chili and LaRosa's pizza! Great... Now I'm hungry for all of that! :-) Safe travels....

April J Harris said...

Have a wonderful time in New York City - it's one of my favourite places! Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe. I really like the idea of the soy sauce combined with the garlic and sesame oil.

Aggie said...

I live an hour away from "home" and we always just end up at my dads pizza shop most of the time. Comfort :)

I love mushrooms (and kale!!) so this is my kind of dish :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely meal. We have moved so often and have lived so long that I suspect many of my favorite places to eat no longer exist :-). I think it is wonderful to be able to recreate the dishes you enjoyed. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Unknown said...

i WISH i could go to NYC.. we're moving to Toronto at the end of next summer so that will make it a much closer trip :)

i love the simplicity of your dish. too often i get wrapped up making "fancy" foods so i forget about the oh-so-good basics. well done :) i followed you here from hearth & soul

Alea Milham said...

This is such a flavorful dish! It looks wonderful. I hope you had fun in NYC!

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